If the idea of decluttering overwhelms you, rest assured – I've successfully maintained a minimalist wardrobe for over a decade. Beyond personal practice, I've helped others in achieving wardrobe simplicity through my process. From wearing the same black dress for a month, a project featured in publications, to analyzing the average wardrobe size through data collection and visualizations, my projects have garnered global interest.
From defining personal uniforms to decluttering, filling wardrobe gaps, and establishing maintenance routines, this guide will reshape your relationship with clothing.
Create personal uniforms based on your lifestyle that allow you to easily mix and match your clothes to create cohesive looks you love with a minimal set of pieces.
Remove pieces in your wardrobe that don’t align with your personal uniforms or are no longer wearable for you.
Store clothing for maximum wear
Your wardrobe decluttering cheat sheet
Shop, thrift, or trade with others to add the missing pieces for your personal uniforms.
Coming soon
Optimize what you have, repair what’s damaged, and track what you own to know what you have to maintain.
Coming soon
Donate, toss, or trade pieces with others that don’t fit your uniforms anymore or are no longer wearable for you.
Coming soon